web development for the rest of us
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attractively thin, graceful and stylish
Svelte is a UI framework that uses a compiler to let you write breathtakingly concise components that do minimal work in the browser, using languages you already know — HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It’s a love letter to web development.
But don’t take our word for it. Developers consistently rank Svelte as the framework they’re most excited about using.
used by companies you’ve heard of
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Our sister organisation, Svelte Society, organises events around the globe. Find your chapter and join us in our Discord server.

Backed by Vercel and countless donors, developed by full-time and part-time maintainers, Svelte is here to stay.
Rich-HarrisConduitrydummdidummtrueadmtanhauhaubenmccannpaoloricciutiPuruVJbaseballyamagtm-nayanSwatinemDreaminDanijacwrightlukeedmindronesmrkishipngwnngtr6788geoffrichekhaledignatiusmbEmilTholinantonynavoritetivaczxbodyabtk5hjchesdominikgPaulBGDhalfnelsonpushkineTehShrikeGarrettGeorgeFWeinbbtakitacolincaseyevs-chrisjamesbirtlesadigubajacobmischkabrunnerharxpoeticawackbytebluwydimfeldskippednoteaphitiel DripsDatawrapperVercelCohereDabbleFrontend MastersMonogramHugging FacePQINAThreema Open Source FundRasterAvastCodesmithJeff MoeINVISRMattLayer0MetafyChangelogClancy DigitalKenoxa GmbHLevel Up Tutorialsxyflow - React Flow | Svelte FlowThe PuddingKohei YoshinoJason HetheringtonZev AverbachDonovan DikaiomultiEvidenceDavid StevensHandsontable - JavaScript Data GridDong-won Jeffrey - n8n GmbHSentryCliff JohnsonEmma Agering0+XHyunbinTigris DataCain VoongNicky HajalRobert BalfreScott SpenceDean PapastratBuildLabOskar OldorfMike Williams
© 2024 Svelte contributors. Svelte is free and open source software released under the MIT license.